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And help Synaps branch out
Synaps is a pioneering, principled venture.
We deliver high quality insight to demanding partners and a discerning public, who recognize and reward the value of thorough, people-centric research and analysis.
We create jobs for those who need them, and invest heavily in human capital. We work with partners who share our belief that this resource-intensive investment is not just a means, but an end. (Job seekers: We promote vacancies via our social media platforms and welcome unprompted applications via Either way, be sure to read what follows, which concerns everyone keen to join our efforts.)
We build partnerships around best practices—including transparent governance, sharing, and demonstrable local buy-in—that are key to a healthy relationship between our sector and its environment.
Finally, we know our limits. We aspire not to change the world in one fell swoop, but to enact small, tangible, human-driven change. On all these fronts, we will thrive with your collaboration.
Synaps benefits immensely from a network of supporters who have found various, creative ways to assist our growth. Today, an important challenge lies in expanding our reach to new readers and a wider, more diverse audience. That is where you come in: our readers are our best ambassadors. We have compiled a list of quick, easy ways in which you can help disseminate our work:
- Subscribe to receive by email our long essays or “slow reads”. This is the surest way of receiving our output, and emails are strictly limited to avoid crowding your inbox.
- Like and follow our Facebook page, and invite others to do so, by clicking the "invite friends" button. This creates a multiplier effect that we need as a purely unpaid platform.
- Follow our Twitter account, where we curate valuable insight from our fieldwork.
- Share our work on these platforms. You only need to click the icons in the top-right corner of any article.
- When you read something you like, share by email with someone you feel may enjoy or benefit from it. In particular, we are keen to see our mentoring material benefit students and young professionals, who may gain an edge in a highly competitive market.
- Finally, send this call to action to other enthusiasts in your networks.
We will continue to invest weeks and months of our time in any given publication. Take a moment at your end to make our efforts reach their destination!
Further involvement
For our readers, sharing our work is a simple but very much appreciated form of support. However, some may be interested in further collaboration with Synaps.
So far, our supporters have generously volunteered working hours in areas where we needed to improve, such as photography, data analytics, marketing, and translation. Benefactors have made donations in artwork, books or funding, whether for general use or to further a specific research project.
Professionals from diverse sectors have come to speak on our premises, relating some of their unique career experiences and offering training in key skills. Researchers have approached us with novel fieldwork as the basis for joint publications, thus expanding our capacity to provide the unique grassroots insights for which our work is known.
We are immensely grateful to all that have worked with us so far. We welcome new proposals for collaboration, big and small, so do not hesitate to get in touch.
Illustration credit:
wind dispersal of dandelion seeds,
Acer seedling drawing by Wikipedia / licensed by CC.