What kind of world
does Synaps want?

A world in which people have ever greater access to the right information.

to social

in real experience 

Easy to find and navigate

Leading to practical solutions

How do we help
bring it about?

Synaps fulfills its mission through a unique mix of research, design, and training. 

Our research illuminates problems from the perspective of the people who deal with them, which we explore through extensive fieldwork and convey with clear analysis.

Our multidisciplinary design process transforms our findings into digital tools and other solutions—making information easier to access and act upon.

Our training transfers skills and best practices across the knowledge sector, via our fellowships, external courses, and joint projects with organizations we admire.

What does Synaps
offer to its partners?

Useful information is surprisingly hard to come by. It requires a lot of work to collect, organize, evaluate, and apply. Our diverse team and intense quality control take care of the legwork. We only share with partners insights that are accurate, tailored, and concise.

We have partnered with many local and international charities, development agencies, and private companies grappling with increasingly volatile social, economic, and political realities. In such contexts, we believe that for global resources to trickle down, grounded insights need to flow up.

That is where our fellows come in

Which values
guide us?

Synaps sees itself as an organization that is helpful, versatile, rooted, and radical. Our internal culture in based on the following principles.


We practice quality control throughout our processes.


We dig deep
into the
toughest topics.


We speak honestly about problems and solutions.


We adjust quickly to new partners and environments.


We define success as local buy-in.


We minimize waste in all our processes.

We practice what we preach. We take contracts that align with our values. We go beyond paid work to contribute to open knowledge. We share as much of our methodology as possible. We publish our most thoughtful policies as templates others can adapt for themselves. We subject our hierarchy to evaluation and readily disclose any challenges we face. We also produce clean electricity and monitor consumption, reduce waste, and dispose of electronics responsibly.